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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Shiraz Transcript: Funny Moments 6/12 #2

"I don't have ADD, you're just boring" - DonaldPerkins Resident

Shiraz "Funny Moments" Trivia Transcript - Sunday June 12, 2011 [2/2]

[06:45 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: lol im still looking for a good quote for tonight, whos got a good one :P
[06:45 PM] Dede Longfall: *goes to the kitchen for an ice pack*
[06:45 PM] Starla Gurbux: hmmm I don't remember what show that's from ;-)
[06:45 PM] Dede Longfall: ummm
[06:45 PM] suziq Myrtle: "forbidden fruit produces many a bad jam"
[06:46 PM] Dede Longfall: its my life show!
[06:46 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: good one :P
[06:46 PM] suziq Myrtle: skulk...why do yu ask?
[06:46 PM] Dede Longfall: lol
[06:46 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: best one i pay :P
[06:46 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: for the use of the quote :D
[06:46 PM] suziq Myrtle: "this is a place of get the heck out"
[06:46 PM] Dede Longfall: wahts the context again warden?
[06:46 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: best quote for my website tonight i pay money. :P
[06:46 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: no subject relevance
[06:46 PM] DonaldPerkins Resident: "I don't have ADD, you're just boring"
[06:47 PM] Playing: Santana - Borboletta
[06:47 PM] suziq Myrtle: lol
[06:47 PM] Dede Longfall: thats it
[06:47 PM] Dede Longfall: love it
[06:47 PM] Skulking Southpaw: the Shoenique tag, SuziQ... they had a big sale
[06:47 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: you win :P
[06:47 PM] Dede Longfall: oohhhh
[06:47 PM] suziq Myrtle: ohhhhh..yep
[06:47 PM] suziq Myrtle: grins
[06:47 PM] DonaldPerkins Resident: Hehe
Winning quote for the front page!

[07:18 PM] Dede Longfall: 20. " Aw, don't embarrass me"
[07:18 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: me
[07:18 PM] Skulking Southpaw: I say that frequently
[07:18 PM] Dede Longfall: Grins
[07:18 PM] Starla Gurbux: sounds like Buckaroo Banzai
[07:18 PM] Dede Longfall: hush skulk
[07:18 PM] DonaldPerkins Resident: Everyone. Ever.
[07:18 PM] Dede Longfall: kids show i think
[07:18 PM] Starla Gurbux: soupy sales?
[07:18 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: spongebob lol
[07:18 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: i dont know :P
[07:18 PM] Dede Longfall: animal
[07:18 PM] Starla Gurbux: mr moose
[07:18 PM] Starhawk Starostin: I used to love Soupy Sales
[07:18 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: lambchop
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: hmmm
[07:19 PM] Skulking Southpaw: Mr. Ed
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: this feels like a rollover
[07:19 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: seasme street
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: ending
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: ...NEXT QUESTION...
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: ..............3.............
[07:19 PM] Skulking Southpaw: shari lewis
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: ..............2.............
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: oops
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: ..............1.............
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: ending
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: / 2 stop
[07:19 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: what was it anyways?
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: Lenny the Lion, with the help of ventriloquist Terry Hall
[07:19 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: oh, okay.
[07:19 PM] DonaldPerkins Resident: Who and who?
[07:19 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: nods
[07:19 PM] Starla Gurbux: I don't know Lenny the Lion or Terry Hall
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: yah ahem moving on
[07:19 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: dede i think you made these up
[07:19 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: :P
[07:19 PM] Dede Longfall: i did not
[07:20 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: did too
[07:20 PM] Skulking Southpaw: just every other one, Leyna
[07:20 PM] Dede Longfall: i googled for obscure
[07:20 PM] Dede Longfall: lol
[07:20 PM] Dede Longfall: yep'
[07:20 PM] Dede Longfall: they're all figments
[07:20 PM] Dede Longfall: more ABBA
[07:20 PM] Starla Gurbux: Dede the Obscure
[07:20 PM] Dede Longfall: thats me Starla
Fake, and said a lot by other residents

[07:49 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: i need this calculated: whats 10% of 450?
[07:49 PM] Dede Longfall: RICK BLAINE CASA BLANCA
[07:49 PM] pint Hoyes: shoot i'm no good at these lol
[07:49 PM] Starhawk Starostin: I known that movie backwards :)
[07:49 PM] SWIM Oh: yes it was rick, star
[07:49 PM] SWIM Oh: you won
[07:49 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: no matter! :D
[07:49 PM] pint Hoyes: i've seen it
[07:49 PM] SWIM Oh: :)
[07:49 PM] Athene Forder: until they asked for his last name LOL
[07:50 PM] Dede Longfall: OK READY??
[07:50 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: ~*Shiraz Forever!!!*~
[07:50 PM] Shiraz Club Donation Jar: ŢĥɑʼnĶ ŶδŲ Ŧδɍ ţɦȼ ℒiʼnɗȼʼn ℒℴѵℯ wardenstillwater Resident , îţ îş ℳücĥ Ѧρρяєcîɑţєɗ
[07:50 PM] Dede Longfall: LOL this is why i love sunday nights
[07:50 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: yea, I wish! :D
[07:50 PM] Dede Longfall: and i'm joking with you swim :))
[07:50 PM] Dede Longfall: READY?
[07:50 PM] David Tuck shouts: Warden dear friend: u r so very generous.....we really appreciate your support of club Shiraz
I thought someone was going to find out why I asked "What is 10% of 450?"

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