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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rise Star Hunting statistics (October 2012)

Great job on your continued growth! Here's the monthly statistics of October :)

General Stats:
Total Items Collected: 594,562 - 262,774 more then September
Total Players Registered: 2,659 - 781 more then September
Total Money Paid: Over L$500,000 - L$300,000 more then September

Player Rewards Stats:
Total Loot Bags Opened: 9,778 - 4,165 more then September
Total Spins Used on Star Wheel - 2,299 - 922 more then September
Total Number of Events Spun - 186 - 71 more then September

Now we know this will continue to grow, and we are looking forward to Star Fishing coming up soon!!

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