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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Rise Gaming Association - 2 Months

Current Stats after 2 Months:
Total Items Collected: 331,788 - 195,145 more then August
Total Players Registered: 1,878 - 694 more then August
Total Money Paid: Over L$200,000 - L$150,000 more then August
Total Loot Bags Opened: 5,615 - 3,219 more then August
Total Spins Used on Wheel: 1,377 - 734 more then August
Total Number of Events: 115 - 67 more then August
Total Number of 2x Events: 53 - 30 more then August
Total Number of 3x Events: 62 - 37 more then August

Ranked 1st in "Increase Traffic" - Rise Gaming Headquarters
Ranked 1st in "Make Friends" - Rise Gaming Headquarters
Ranked 4th in "Earn Lindens" - Rise Gaming Headquarters

With a lot of potentional, some people can only believe in that what we give and what we like to give, brings us together as a great community.
This is amazing growth and I am impressed.

Warden Stillwater
Rise Gaming Association Owner


Lita Jannings
Rise Gaming Association Co-Owner

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