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Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Survival of the Fittest: Fraud and You

What's Fraud got to do with this?

Ok, many of you might know about the whole situation going on with the new Terms of Service, but honestly, I feel there is a couple of reasoning behind it. Why the privacy intrusions we need to continue? It's definitely making us feel more unwelcome towards expressing all kinds of new styles of creativity or any other type of communication?

Here in RL, I might be 21 years old, but I have something many people cannot have a RL job,due to this. It's really unfair that we are subject to these kind of things due to disabilities that are created not by creativity. I consider this as a job in a way, since I have a talent far few people have.. but why should WE get hurt by this kind of things over unfair regulation?

Applying for a job here where I live is almost impossible.The fact I have a tougher time to also finish my college due to limitations in RL (plus not much money to work with) really makes this a lot more difficult. Then, greed and fraud also play another role. With a virtual world generating over $500 million USD in transactions (2nd highest in the world)

Ok, here is a couple of changes SOME PEOPLE SHOULD CONSIDER should 3rd Party Exchanges are not allowed anymore.

1) Faster cash rates (and cheaper L$ exchanges). 5+ business days is unacceptable to many people. I'm for one for someone who actually can wait, but there would be times where I can't wait (like taking advantage of sales). Cause the sales I've actually used L$ to purchase the titles I needed it instant or at least within 3 business days (most sales start Wednesdays).

2) European transaction fees - At current transaction fees this is killer to our fellow European supporters. If the exchange allows acceptance of Euro / Pounds, the transactions would be more fair... already Europeans must pay VAT (Value Added Tax) and the transaction fee, and VAT can range anywhere from 5% - 25%.

Survival of certain people relies on talents and expertise.

Why make it tougher then it already does? This is just going to really impact many people's talents. I might not be a graduate, but I'm trying as hard as I can to ensure I can survive. While its lower then minimum wage, its "enough" to survive... and as I posted in my previous post, I don't expect $4,000+ USD a month, all I expect is an amount which is enough to survive. And I am for one, that only needs enough to help... but soon, it will be impossible to survive. I've made "some" money, but I've lost a lot more then gained overall.

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