Rise inducted Katrina as our fourth Gunk Queen:
[17:38] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: *gunks everyone cause it's her rl b-day*
[17:39] Trin1 Resident: nini everyone
[17:39] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: happy birfday x.x *passes the f out, sending cookies and confetti everywhere*
[17:39] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: nini trin
[17:39] Zarudin Resident: 1. Not on the brand-new armor.
[17:39] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: wooooohooo! coookies!
[17:39] Zarudin Resident: 2. Happy birthday.
[17:39] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: 3 facepans ya :P
[17:40] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: ty i feel old, i'm 30 now
[17:40] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: you're as young as you want to feel kat ^^
[17:40] Zarudin Resident: I'm almost 27 and I already feel old. XD
[17:40] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: lol i made my aunt feel old i am her youngest neice the other day lol
[17:40] myst85 Resident: im almost 29 rin lol
[17:41] Zarudin Resident: I got hugs for you if you were born in the Eighties. The Eighties. XD
[17:42] Sundra Tizzy: 27 heck i got a kin not much younger lol
[17:42] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: lol
[17:42] Sundra Tizzy: kid even
[17:43] Zarudin Resident: So Myst was born in '84, I was born in '86, and Kat was born in '83... In regard to technology, all three of us were born in some good years. :3
[17:43] Tenderoni Resident: All these below 30 people
[17:43] Tenderoni Resident: Is this really SL
[17:43] Trad Aeon: geez I have underwear older then that
[17:43] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: O.o;
[17:43] Zarudin Resident: 1983: The Nintendo Family Computer (Japanese NES) came out.
[17:44] Zarudin Resident: 1984: Macintosh
[17:44] Zarudin Resident: 1986: Nintendo NES came to North America
[17:44] Tenderoni Resident: Famicoooooom
[17:44] AbreeRosati Resident: I was born in 1987 anything good for then? LOL
[17:44] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: heh i'm only 12 backwards :P
[17:44] Tenderoni Resident: Never forget
[17:44] myst85 Resident: i was born in 85.. i just turned 28 lol
[17:44] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: 1983 my little ponies and carebears came out so did cabbage patch kids
[17:44] Tenderoni Resident: 88 here. More people under 30 here than I've met in my whole SL life
[17:44] Zarudin Resident: Sega Master System came to North America in '87, I believe
[17:45] AbreeRosati Resident: :D
[17:45] Zarudin Resident: So did Contra on NES
[17:45] Tenderoni Resident: Contraaaaa
[17:45] Tenderoni Resident: Up down up down
[17:45] Tenderoni Resident: etc
[17:50] emerald25 Resident: hiya Lina:)
[17:58] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: hiya em! *hugs* ^^
[17:59] emerald25 Resident: hiya:) hugs:)
[17:59] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: how's yew? ^~^
[17:59] emerald25 Resident: full of cold still but kicking how's you?:)
[18:00] Sundra Tizzy: wheres the cookies????????
[18:02] emerald25 Resident: on the dark side with me ^ ^
[18:03] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: offers a wool blanket to em* doing okies. can't wait till the 30th ^~^ *passes around heart shaped cookies*
[18:03] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: hehe em verry funny :P
[18:04] AbreeRosati Resident: I think I need to go to the dark side...
[18:06] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: o.o they has sammiches with those cute toothpicks in them, ya know the sword lookin ones
[18:10] myst85 Resident must have the urge to not shop on mp today lol
[18:12] emerald25 Resident: hehe
[18:15] emerald25 Resident: come to the dark side we have better cookies ^ ^
[18:16] emerald25 Resident: ooh shaped cookies ty Lina:)
[18:18] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: hehe yve ^^
[18:18] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: yvw*
[18:20] myst85 Resident thinks to herself, and awns.. backto bed i go :P
[18:22] wardenstillwater Resident: So folks. Got someone in mind? We'll probably announce the winner before December 30, 2013 :)
[18:23] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: oohhhh there's too many people to choose from x.x
[18:23] Sundra Tizzy: Very cool there are so many that deserve the horner how to choose just one that stands out
[18:24] wardenstillwater Resident: For this year we'll have 3 Player of the Years for 2013
[18:24] wardenstillwater Resident: What we'll give you is to be announced.
[18:24] wardenstillwater Resident: *giggles insanely*
[18:25] AbreeRosati Resident: oooo that sounds fun!
[18:25] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: ohmergawd hun you're nuts x.x faints
[18:26] Sundra Tizzy: giggles and no reccomanding yourself ;)
[18:27] wardenstillwater Resident: Yeah no recommending yourself lol
[18:27] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: i see that evil twinkle in your eye sunny, what are you plannin haha jk
[18:28] Sundra Tizzy: me just wants the horners of Gunking the winners ;)
[18:32] wardenstillwater Resident: Congratulations to KatrinaElizebeth Karu - She's our 4th Gunk Queen of the Rise Stars!
[18:32] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: ^~^ wear your tag with pride
[18:33] AbreeRosati Resident: Yay Kat! Congrats!
[18:33] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: hehe
[18:33] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: ty
[18:33] wardenstillwater Resident: You deserved it :)
[18:33] emerald25 Resident: wtg Katrina:)
[18:33] Sundra Tizzy: Congrats Karu welcome to the green throne :)
[18:34] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: hehe she's put in so much effort for this, there was no other way to properly repay her other than this ^^
[18:35] Peachy Sassoon: Congrats Kat you gunker you
[18:35] wardenstillwater Resident: trust me, you'll love this SECRET
[18:35] wardenstillwater Resident: lol
[18:35] emerald25 Resident: ooh title coming back:)
[18:38] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: mwahahaha i'm dying to spill the beans, quick hun gunk me XD
[18:38] wardenstillwater Resident puts tape on my wife's mouth
[18:38] emerald25 Resident: roflol
[18:38] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: derp rages
[18:39] emerald25 Resident: I know nothing....
[18:39] emerald25 Resident: which is true... I now nothing lol
[18:43] Sundra Tizzy: ask me no questions I will tell you no lies ;)
[18:44] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: dont ask dont tell :P mwahaha
[18:44] emerald25 Resident: chokes coffee all over screen.. sunny, sunny, what about litle white ones.. lol
[18:44] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: i like that
[18:44] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: rofl
[19:08] wardenstillwater Resident: http://gizmodo.com/5304233/entire-new-13+story-building-tips-over-in-shanghai/
[19:08] wardenstillwater Resident: Lol
[19:08] Zarudin Resident: People in Shanghai: Superstitions be darned. XD
[19:09] emerald25 Resident: @ @
[19:09] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: wow
[19:10] emerald25 Resident: is always weird there is no floor 13 in buildings hehe, always 12 to 14 for superstition and then you see that
[19:11] Zarudin Resident: Or even a wall of cement where the 13th floor would have been
[19:14] emerald25 Resident: yeah, superstition counts see hehe
[19:25] wardenstillwater Resident: [19:25] Rise Star Destiny Wheel - Rise Headquarters: KatrinaElizebeth Karu just won rights to gunk my wife from the Star Destiny Wheel!
[19:26] EfanakaSunFyre371 Resident: oh haha hun!
[19:26] wardenstillwater Resident: mhm
[19:26] wardenstillwater Resident: totally legit spin there. :P
[19:26] KatrinaElizebeth Karu: uh huhs!
[19:27] emerald25 Resident: wtg Kat
[19:27] wardenstillwater Resident: LOL
[19:28] emerald25 Resident: weell I tried lol
[19:29] wardenstillwater Resident: the Real Spin - [19:25] Rise Star Destiny Wheel - Rise Headquarters: KatrinaElizebeth Karu just won L$75 from the Star Destiny Wheel!
[19:29] wardenstillwater Resident: XD congrats kat :) hugs
[19:30] emerald25 Resident: little cheering. though perhaps we should make prize 2x or 3x gunge or warden ^ ^
[19:30] emerald25 Resident: of
[19:31] emerald25 Resident: gratz at take the money and ruuuunnnnn before the gunge escapes the tank
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