[06:57 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Contest ended by Alaina Nightfire.
[06:57 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Contest ended by Alaina Nightfire.
[06:57 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: wardenstillwater Resident wins the Best In Red contest with 3 votes, receiving the L$100 prize. Congratulations!
[06:57 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Alyse Celestalis wins the Best In Red contest with 3 votes, receiving the L$400 prize. Congratulations!
Step into Warden Stillwater's Hideout... and enter the world in the eyes of the Rise Star Gaming Owner.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Contest results: Friday 9/2
[08:00 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Contest ended by Jynks Clawtooth.
[08:00 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Contest ended by Jynks Clawtooth.
[08:00 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Edmond Oconnell wins the Best in PJ's contest with 4 votes, receiving the L$600 prize. Congratulations!
[08:00 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Raveyn Charisma wins the Best in PJ's contest with 4 votes, receiving the L$600 prize. Congratulations!
[08:00 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Contest ended by Jynks Clawtooth.
[08:00 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Edmond Oconnell wins the Best in PJ's contest with 4 votes, receiving the L$600 prize. Congratulations!
[08:00 PM] Contest Wizard shouts: Raveyn Charisma wins the Best in PJ's contest with 4 votes, receiving the L$600 prize. Congratulations!
The World of Dynasty, Part II
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
The World of Dynasty Gaming

[2011/08/30 12:51] wardenstillwater Resident: [12:49 PM] No Devil BIG Wheel L$500 shouts: -Wheel payout: **JACKPOTPAYOUT** wardenstillwater Resident won L$70308 with (POT) | Jackpot: L$70308 on SIM: DG2 @ http://slurl.com/secondlife/DG2/137/140/30
[2011/08/30 12:50] wardenstillwater Resident: omg I did it again.. lol, ty POKER.. 70.3k WIN!
[2011/08/30 12:50] AnarchyForever Resident: ..?
[2011/08/30 12:50] Lina Oximoxi: :o
[2011/08/30 12:50] wickidcandilette Resident: good job!!!!!
[2011/08/30 12:50] Lina Oximoxi: how?
[2011/08/30 12:50] Cara Sabetha: hä?
[2011/08/30 12:50] wardenstillwater Resident: :))
[2011/08/30 12:50] Suden Kappler: wow congrats
[2011/08/30 12:50] Raveyn Charisma: ikr
[2011/08/30 12:50] Knightz Resident: excuse me man but you seem to be a big fake
[2011/08/30 12:50] shorty Mavinelli: congratsss!!!!!
[2011/08/30 12:50] wardenstillwater Resident: just won the no devil jackpot 500L
[2011/08/30 12:51] Renee Firebrand: wtg!!! can i borrow 5l? j/k hehe
[2011/08/30 12:51] wardenstillwater Resident: LOL
[2011/08/30 12:51] elixia567 Resident: what was the game
[2011/08/30 12:51] AnarchyForever Resident: you enter in sim and 10 min later win jackpot
[2011/08/30 12:51] Terraxx Scientist: integrity?
[2011/08/30 12:51] wardenstillwater Resident: [12:49 PM] No Devil BIG Wheel L$500 shouts: -Wheel payout: **JACKPOTPAYOUT** wardenstillwater Resident won L$70308 with (POT) | Jackpot: L$70308 on SIM: DG2 @ http://slurl.com/secondlife/DG2/137/140/30
[2011/08/30 12:51] Cara Sabetha: congrats...may u teach me
[2011/08/30 12:51] wardenstillwater Resident: thats weird, okay?
[2011/08/30 12:51] Knightz Resident: you a fake man
[2011/08/30 12:52] wardenstillwater Resident: No I'm legit, ask Terraxx
[2011/08/30 12:52] Terraxx Scientist: yep
[2011/08/30 12:52] Lina Oximoxi: everyday warden won 70K lol
[2011/08/30 12:52] Terraxx Scientist: I play with my money :D like chefs play with their food :D
[2011/08/30 12:52] wardenstillwater Resident: not everyday...
[2011/08/30 12:52] wardenstillwater Resident: I lost 104k here a week ago
[2011/08/30 12:52] Terraxx Scientist: well Lina you been winnin some too :D
[2011/08/30 12:52] HunnyDipped Koray: what game was that
[2011/08/30 12:52] Lina Oximoxi: no
[2011/08/30 12:52] Lina Oximoxi: im porr
[2011/08/30 12:52] Lina Oximoxi: poor*
[2011/08/30 12:53] Raveyn Charisma: I know right! Cause I need to play! I can't even win $100 on no devil lolol
[2011/08/30 12:53] wardenstillwater Resident: thats no attitude, please believe in yourself
[2011/08/30 12:53] Terraxx Scientist: ah.....uh...er...
[2011/08/30 12:53] Knightz Resident: me lost 300k in two years never saw them back iam now a poor
[2011/08/30 12:53] HighBuilder Resident: send me 1l warden :D
[2011/08/30 12:53] Terraxx Scientist: oh you got the linden -1 bug High? he he
[2011/08/30 12:53] Natalia Erin: for me 1k, please
[2011/08/30 12:53] Natalia Erin: xD
[2011/08/30 12:54] wardenstillwater Resident: lol hahahaha
[2011/08/30 12:54] Terraxx Scientist: you didn't ask so I did :D
[2011/08/30 12:54] Lina Oximoxi: warden i love you <3
[2011/08/30 12:54] Raveyn Charisma: I have played will over 100k too and still can't win $100 lmao
[2011/08/30 12:54] HighBuilder Resident: ty terra :D
[2011/08/30 12:54] wardenstillwater Resident: .... raveyn.. I praise you to win no devil!
[2011/08/30 12:55] wardenstillwater Resident: go get me a score thats over 99k please, lol
[2011/08/30 12:55] Cara Sabetha: hey, wowowo i won 10l..
[2011/08/30 12:55] wardenstillwater Resident: win some more :)
[2011/08/30 12:56] Cara Sabetha: how?
[2011/08/30 12:56] wardenstillwater Resident: I praise everyone the best of luck at Dynasty Gaming, you all are winners!
[2011/08/30 12:56] Lina Oximoxi: warden how you hav win 70k
[2011/08/30 12:56] Knightz Resident: lol????
[2011/08/30 12:56] Knightz Resident: i never herard something stupid as that
[2011/08/30 12:56] Knightz Resident: we not all winners -_-
[2011/08/30 12:56] Terraxx Scientist: aw now
[2011/08/30 12:56] Terraxx Scientist: it might work
[2011/08/30 12:57] Terraxx Scientist: at least today :D
[2011/08/30 12:57] wardenstillwater Resident: oh come on...
[2011/08/30 12:57] wardenstillwater Resident: Just play, and watch yourself win. Seriously.
[2011/08/30 12:57] wardenstillwater Resident: I'm not a curse of Dynasty, I felt that way the last time I lost.
[2011/08/30 12:57] Cara Sabetha: and 10 again..this is weird ;-D
[2011/08/30 12:57] Terraxx Scientist: unless you get good luck from reverse psychology but I am not going there lol
[2011/08/30 12:57] wardenstillwater Resident: Well, considering I lost 104k here last week, maybe it was long overdue.
[2011/08/30 12:57] Rondo Reilig: ok, now its good warden...you won, be happy :)
[2011/08/30 12:58] Cara Sabetha: but u r a scientist
[2011/08/30 12:58] AnarchyForever Resident: thx us its indirectly cause losers you won >_<"
[2011/08/30 12:58] Lina Oximoxi: c bn tg
[2011/08/30 12:59] wardenstillwater Resident: thats not indirect, I don't harm anyone
[2011/08/30 12:59] Knightz Resident: qui t'insultes en français???
[2011/08/30 12:59] Cara Sabetha: what means c bn tg...csn u translate for blonde ones
[2011/08/30 12:59] Lina Oximoxi: il ment
[2011/08/30 12:59] Lina Oximoxi: c'est un fake
[2011/08/30 12:59] Knightz Resident: its a french insult
[2011/08/30 12:59] Lina Oximoxi: c pour nous donner envie de jouer
[2011/08/30 12:59] Lina Oximoxi: c'est le pote a poker mdr
[2011/08/30 12:59] Knightz Resident: oui c'est l'alt du owner
[2011/08/30 12:59] Cara Sabetha: my french is bad .-(
[2011/08/30 13:00] Knightz Resident: le mec il vient d'entrer dans la sim il y a 5min
[2011/08/30 13:00] Knightz Resident: et il gagne direct le jackpot
[2011/08/30 13:00] Knightz Resident: -_-
[2011/08/30 13:01] Cara Sabetha: means he is lucky..hahaha
[2011/08/30 13:01] Sina Singh: - 100k + 70k and you think you've won?
[2011/08/30 13:01] Lina Oximoxi: mdr oe
[2011/08/30 13:01] Cara Sabetha: hey I'm lucky also..i'm off tomorrow...one day
[2011/08/30 13:01] Rondo Reilig: lol
[2011/08/30 13:01] Lina Oximoxi: mais c'est quoi ce jackpot
[2011/08/30 13:01] Lina Oximoxi: comment on le gagne
[2011/08/30 13:01] Lina Oximoxi: le pire c k il a gagner hier aussi
[2011/08/30 13:01] esteranya Resident: 50 l pls :/
[2011/08/30 13:03] Knightz Resident: oue et cara elle gagne tous les contest de deal -_-
[2011/08/30 13:03] Knightz Resident: à part ça tt est normal -_-
[2011/08/30 13:03] Cara Sabetha: i won one time
[2011/08/30 13:03] Cara Sabetha: maybe another time in 30 min
[2011/08/30 13:03] Knightz Resident: and the following
[2011/08/30 13:03] Cara Sabetha: if nobody beats me
[2011/08/30 13:04] Knightz Resident: the two contests at 3k
[2011/08/30 13:04] Knightz Resident: -_-
[2011/08/30 13:04] Cara Sabetha: i got one time more than 2k
[2011/08/30 13:04] Lina Oximoxi: non moi j'avou les 12k je les ai gagner 3 fois recament
[2011/08/30 13:04] Lina Oximoxi: mais j les perd directement apres
[2011/08/30 13:04] Lina Oximoxi: donc...
[2011/08/30 13:04] Knightz Resident: les 12k?? de nodevil?
[2011/08/30 13:04] Cara Sabetha: but to be hionest i lost 45k
[2011/08/30 13:04] Cara Sabetha: honest*
[2011/08/30 13:04] Knightz Resident: LOL
[2011/08/30 13:05] Cara Sabetha: sniff
[2011/08/30 13:05] wardenstillwater Resident: no, don't feel that way :((
[2011/08/30 13:05] wardenstillwater Resident: just do 50L or 100L :)
[2011/08/30 13:05] Cara Sabetha: is ok..was my own fault i started to be mad and wasted all in few time
[2011/08/30 13:05] Cara Sabetha: i play 10
[2011/08/30 13:05] Cara Sabetha: otherwise soon i'm bankrupt
[2011/08/30 13:06] Knightz Resident: me iam always bankrupt xD
[2011/08/30 13:06] wardenstillwater Resident: no cara! I'd rather not let you lose! :(
[2011/08/30 13:06] Cara Sabetha: if is empty is empty
[2011/08/30 13:06] Lina Oximoxi: oe des no devil
[2011/08/30 13:06] Cara Sabetha: heyyyyyyy
[2011/08/30 13:06] Lina Oximoxi: mais frenchment j ai fai des score de merde comme 102 000
[2011/08/30 13:06] Cara Sabetha: where r u?
[2011/08/30 13:07] Knightz Resident: 10200 à nodevil c bien
[2011/08/30 13:07] Lina Oximoxi: oe mai c batable
[2011/08/30 13:07] Lina Oximoxi: j ai fai 125 000 une foi
[2011/08/30 13:07] Knightz Resident: moi là bas mon meilleur ça a du etre 80000 un truc comme ça
[2011/08/30 13:07] Knightz Resident: au bout de 10parties ça me soule alors je joue à rage ou flash
[2011/08/30 13:08] Knightz Resident: mais rage j'ai du perdre dans les 15k
[2011/08/30 13:08] Lina Oximoxi: c comme les zyngo
[2011/08/30 13:08] Knightz Resident: et flash c'est tres bizarre depuis trois jour des que je depasse 250l$ de mise 80% de lose
[2011/08/30 13:08] Knightz Resident: meme, 90%
[2011/08/30 13:11] Lina Oximoxi: j sai pa y jkouer o flash
[2011/08/30 13:12] Knightz Resident: oh c'est tres simple comme les autres
[2011/08/30 13:13] AnarchyForever Resident: là le score à nodevil12k est bas
[2011/08/30 13:14] Raveyn Charisma: Okay Warden, you gave me good luck heheh Thanks :)
[2011/08/30 13:14] Lina Oximoxi: oe mai c a penne si jarrive a faire 40 000
[2011/08/30 13:14] Lina Oximoxi: :(
[2011/08/30 13:14] AnarchyForever Resident: oue au bout de deux partie ça soule xD
[2011/08/30 13:14] wardenstillwater Resident: told you lol
[2011/08/30 13:15] Raveyn Charisma: Could you come stand by me while I play the $100 game lol
[2011/08/30 13:17] Lina Oximoxi: les no devil parfoi sa te paye pas 20 foi d suite
[2011/08/30 13:17] Lina Oximoxi: sa te donne aucun chiffre
[2011/08/30 13:17] Lina Oximoxi: c'est sa ki fai chier
[2011/08/30 13:17] AnarchyForever Resident: oue une fois j'ai perdu 15nodevils d'affilee à 250l$ sur la meme machine
[2011/08/30 13:20] Raveyn Charisma: woooo Yay! You do have good luck! keep sending it out lol
[2011/08/30 13:20] wardenstillwater Resident: lol you won again?
[2011/08/30 13:20] wardenstillwater Resident: see what did I tell you, stop assuming I am fake and keep believing!
[2011/08/30 13:20] Raveyn Charisma: yeah lol $1000 l but thats good for me
[2011/08/30 13:20] Raveyn Charisma: I didnt think u were fake lol
[2011/08/30 13:21] Raveyn Charisma: That wasnt me :)
[2011/08/30 13:21] wardenstillwater Resident: (to all the others who said I was fake after that win)
[2011/08/30 13:21] Raveyn Charisma: oh lol
[2011/08/30 13:21] AnarchyForever Resident: moue
[2011/08/30 13:21] Nox Destiny: ça gagne ?
[2011/08/30 13:21] Raveyn Charisma: eyyyy I ignore em heheh
[2011/08/30 13:22] Lina Oximoxi: nox nn
[2011/08/30 13:22] Lina Oximoxi: sa pu
[2011/08/30 13:22] AnarchyForever Resident: je crois plutot qu'on veut nous le faire croire >_<
[2011/08/30 13:22] Terraxx Scientist: congrats Kilene
[2011/08/30 13:22] Lina Oximoxi: la machine sur la kel je jou j en sui a 15 parti et sa paye pa
[2011/08/30 13:22] Nox Destiny: :/
[2011/08/30 13:23] Knightz Resident: le mec qui a gagne le jackpot est chelou
[2011/08/30 13:23] AnarchyForever Resident: ça...
[2011/08/30 13:24] Nox Destiny: ah lol
[2011/08/30 13:24] Nox Destiny: un représentant de commerce vous croyez ?
[2011/08/30 13:24] Knightz Resident: ou l'alt des owners
[2011/08/30 13:25] Knightz Resident: 0_0
best lines are in bold and red
Monday, August 29, 2011
No Devil Gods have praised me literally

[04:35 PM] No Devil 12k MEGA High Score Contest (12k/12 Hours) shouts: wardenstillwater Resident won L$12000 from the contest with the score of 112329 .
[04:35 PM] IM: No Devil 12k MEGA High Score Contest (12k/12 Hours): You have won L$12000 from the contest.
Total winnings: ~34,000L$
Number of attempts: 3 (150L$)
1st - L$71,384 - No Devil 500L$ Jackpot Wheel
2nd - L$25,000 - Deal Classic L$2500 10x
3rd - L$22,400 - No Devil 50L$ 350x + 10% Super Jackpot
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