Midnight Madness: If I ever stay up to 12:00AM SLT, my progress log goes in this category. :)
- No Devil: This was done through about ~45 rounds.
Lowest score: 8,753.
Average score: 42,759.
Highest score: 110,660.
Has won 7x 50 3 times (L$1,050) - Score to beat: 52,667
Has won 5x 50 4 times (L$1,000) - Score to beat: 48,667
- Zealy: Scored 66,000 once. [33,000 x 2 (bonus)] which netted a random perk (L$366). - Score to beat: 52,667
- Money Giver: Managed to walk away with 5 total prizes. Total value around L~$2K.
- Low Cost Board: Now ranked 4th place with a perk of L$1,16K.
- JG Camp Board: Orange, Still unclaimed. L$200/100 minutes.
- Eos Progress: No updates, will visit tomorrow. Unclaimed: L$500/10minutes perk.
- Contests: Still in 5th place on Deal 500/2500 with a prize of L$1,250 with ~750 games to go. Still holding on to ALL Deal Ultimate 1.00 positions at Eos (why?), and still don't know. New Deal 50/250 started, currently in 5th place.
- Coin Hunt: In Rank 209 with 1,800+ points. Will go on a hunting spree tomorrow as well.
That's it for tonight's Midnight Madness update for July 1.