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Friday, November 8, 2013

Achievement Unlocked: Golden Dreams

That was exhausting, but I used all the skill I needed to make it happen.

How to acquire:
- Get a copy of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
- Purchase Operation Bravo pass (via Steam Store)
- Log 30 hours of playtime on Operation Bravo maps
- Get 15 competitive mode wins on Operation Bravo maps

Rise Challenge tomorrow for another x11 buoy possibly
More details will follow in the Rise Star Social Group chat tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Deal Classic S - Myths

This only applies to the Deal Classic S version, in the Deal 9.1 series of games.

Couple of people have asked me some interesting questions such as the following:

1) Why do you always score 47,000 points, and if so, why is it possible to score this always?

Photo taken at Deluxe Games.

Take a close look at the lines.
Each number marked is 250 points, then each row is 1000 points.
Unless you mark numbers with the Banker (80% less score) or the Lady (50% more score) then this seems to always be the case.
You want to complete AT LEAST 9 rows out of 10.
You MUST complete BOTH diagonal rows - This is IMPORTANT.

Assuming each of the following happens:
15/16 numbers marked = 2750 points
9/10 rows completed = 9000 points
11,750 points base score.

Then at the bonus round, play the usual till you find the 4x score, and you will get the most common non-full clear score in Deal Classic S, which is 47,000 or 47,500 points!

You can't intentionally reduce your score to this also by the way. That is impossible.

Obviously, if you have a score to beat that is more then 43,999 points, you will likely get the same result.

2) What is the earliest full clear board you have ever witnessed?

The earliest full clear board I have played or seen is in 8 rounds. This is doable but extremely rare. Most full clears tend to be on the 10th-12th rounds.

3) What is the highest score you have ever seen in Deal Classic S?

The highest score I have seen on Deal Classic S to date is 104,000. This is a 26,000 base score with the x4 multiplier on the bonus round. This was done at Golden Palace Gaming a long time ago.

4) How come finally your revealing these myths?

I don't need to explain why, but the thing you need to know is that all of this was done over thousands of games played in various places over 4 different Deal Classic revisions.

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