Shiraz "Funny Moments" Trivia Transcript - Wednesday June 2, 2011 (Event 2 of 2)
[06:37 PM] wardenstillwater Resident: (5 hours ago...)
[06:37 PM] Athene Forder: she gonna hit you, Scots!
[06:37 PM] scotsman Redyard: she cant i half mooted her
[06:37 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: nahhh.....i got better ways to get back at him...SMILES
[06:38 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: and don't moot me in front of people...lo
[06:38 PM] pjchik Resident: Hi Shawn
[06:38 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: hi Shawn
[06:38 PM] Athene Forder: uh oh...trouble in DJ paradise
[06:38 PM] Athene Forder: Hello Shawn
MOOT DISPENZER HERE? (reference to POOT...)
[06:44 PM] scotsman Redyard: i took one of those pills
[06:44 PM] Athene Forder: better than unzipping [CENSORED] else atm
[06:44 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: pfftttttt
[06:44 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: ATHENA!
[06:44 PM] Yessica Citron: lol
[06:44 PM] Athene Forder giggles
[06:51 PM] DonaldPerkins Resident: now pictures Wile E Coyote holding up a sigh saying "Here"
[06:51 PM] Mumbai Sapphire: lmao
[06:51 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: lol
[06:51 PM] Athene Forder: LOL
[06:51 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: DAVID!!!!!!
[06:51 PM] Mumbai Sapphire: hi david
[06:51 PM] Aline Fourneau: Before the acme hammer slams him
[06:51 PM] Skulking Southpaw: opening boxes of ACME rocket grenades
[06:51 PM] Athene Forder: Hello David
[06:51 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: (((((HUGS DAVID)))))
[06:51 PM] Skulking Southpaw: hey, David!
[06:51 PM] DonaldPerkins Resident: LOL
[06:51 PM] pjchik Resident: Hi David
[06:51 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: LAUGHING AT SKULK
[07:19 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: lol....startswith an L
[07:19 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: alndrew hart
[07:19 PM] Skulking Southpaw: leonard hart
[07:19 PM] Mumbai Sapphire: lester hart
[07:19 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: lenarde hart
[07:19 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: LOL
[07:20 PM] Skulking Southpaw: lewis hart
[07:20 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: loui hart
[07:20 PM] Skulking Southpaw: lousi hart
[07:20 PM] DonaldPerkins Resident: lionel Hart
[07:20 PM] Toni Stradling: leonard hart
[07:20 PM] Mumbai Sapphire: llewellyn
[07:20 PM] Yessica Citron: lionel hart
[07:20 PM] Athene Forder: lionel richie
[07:20 PM] Athene Forder: LOL
[07:20 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: linus hart
How many Harts can you name?
[07:51 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: tu ne parles pas francais, skulk?
[07:51 PM] scotsman Redyard: banana pancakes with a side order of bacon please
[07:51 PM] Skulking Southpaw: it was translating that had slowed me down
[07:52 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: Answer: Warren Beatty
[07:52 PM] Leyna Brandenburg: ty
[07:52 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: laughing at scots
[07:52 PM] Skulking Southpaw: non je n'est parlez pas
[07:52 PM] David Tuck: je parle le francias comme une vache espagnol
[07:52 PM] michelaine Sweetwater: oh said bacon!@
[07:52 PM] Skulking Southpaw: hhahahaha
[07:52 PM] scotsman Redyard: je ne comprende rien
Eh, paudre?
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